Kto na svete vsekh mileye,
Vsekh rumyaney i beleye?*
sang the sparks, now organised into some rows and circles, which began to look somehow dangerous.
-| am in shit, thought Bouquet.
Which he wasn’t, really, because he was still catapulting somewhere. He noticed a tiny difference in the sweet sparks’ faces when they passed by his yellow, blue and red eyes at speed. Now they became less sweet, some of them kind of unhappy even, some even grimacing. A sensation like a micro bite here and there, the buzz rose, and a burning smell came from far, far away in the dark nothingness.
-Shit, shit, shit…
sang the sweet chorus around him.
The bites became more noticeable, and it was difficult to think.
-Don’t panic, Bouquet,he thought to himself.
-Panic, panic, panic…
continued the chorus.
-Come back to your roots, thought Bouquet.